school counseling

School-Based Counseling Services in Naugatuck

Stokes Counseling Services offers school-based counseling services in many Naugatuck K-12 schools. Our knowledgeable therapists have advanced training and experience that allows us to work with children, teens, and families in our communities to better understand and address concerns that arise at school, at home, or with their peers. You can learn more about our school-based therapy services on this page or by contacting our team directly.

Why Would My Child Need to Visit with a Counselor at Their School?

School-based counseling is a service where our knowledgeable therapists go into the local schools to offer therapy sessions for young people who are experiencing concerns related behavior, complex emotions, social development, or academic success. Therapy sessions may be beneficial for young people who are experiencing any of the following in the classroom or at home:

  • Anxiety, depression, anger, or other mood disorders
  • Grief or bereavement
  • Feelings of isolation, difficulty connecting, or poor socializing skills
  • Stress or worry
  • Trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Behavioral issues like truancy, aggression, difficulty focusing, or classroom disruption

What Is School-Based Therapy?

School-based counseling offers young people access to therapy services in a familiar setting where they already feel comfortable. This can make counseling easier and less stressful for parents and children or teens. During therapy sessions, our counselors will help young people explore their specific areas of need, develop their strengths, and make progress toward achieving academic and personal success and fulfillment.

In addition to working one-on-one with young people in schools, our counselors may also provide a variety of counseling services on an as needed, including:

  • Group therapy sessions
  • Family therapy sessions
  • Assessments or evaluations
  • Classroom and behavioral observations
  • Collaboration with a student’s caregivers as part of the continuum of care

How Will School-Based Therapy Help My Child?

As parents, we want what’s best for our children, but hearing that your child has been referred to school-based therapy may be a bit unsettling. You may not know what to expect or how to support your child through the process. First and foremost, school-based counseling is always intended to play a positive role, helping your child to understand complex emotions, manage behavioral concerns, and maximize their strengths to succeed academically and personally. For many kids, that means a positive change both in the classroom and at home. School-based therapy sessions are a great opportunity for parents to better understand their child’s unique set of needs, and we will often include parents and families in the process. Additionally, working with a counselor at school can be an important component of a child’s complete continuum of care, guiding parents to find the right support resources in and out of school. If you ever have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s counselor. We encourage parents to be involved with and support their child’s therapy plan.

Schools We Serve

Currently, our counselors are working in the following Naugatuck schools:

  • Hop Brook Elementary School
  • Hillside Intermediate School
  • City Hill Middle School
  • Naugatuck High School
  • Western Elementary
  • Andrew Avenue Elementary
  • Maple Hill Elementary
  • Salem Elementary
  • Region 16 (Woodland Regional High School and Long River Middle School)

Interested in Working with Stokes Counseling Services?

If your child has worked with one of the Stokes Counseling Services counselors at their school or you’re interested in extending their therapy work, we would love to hear from you. We offer individual therapy for children, teens, and adults. Our counselors also provide family therapy. Whatever your counseling needs or goals, we’re here to help.